Monday, March 28, 2011


Heres a little info about me since we were never formally introduced. My name is Heather. I am a freshmen college student at Kutztown University. I live in Pennsylvania. I suffer from but have never been clinically diagnosed with depression and anxiety. I hold myself back from living a more fulfilling life. Most of my problems are self generated. I love the visual arts, and I want to declare my major as art education but I dont have a portfolio or enough confidence in myself. The times I will mainly be posting on here will either be when Im upset, or when Im in a very good mood, so dont expect any regular posting. On paper Im a boring person...and in person Im only mildly more amusing. I have to pee, so that all for now.


  1. no, no, you're verrrrrrrry amusing! hehehe. and you I think art education would be really cool. I could really imagine you as an art teacher.

  2. Just not in elementary school. She she says balls too much.

  3. if there were a like button, i'd like his comment hahahhahaha
