Thursday, August 25, 2011


Today at the outlet mall a cute boy came up to me and talked to me. Then he gave me his number. And when I got home he texted me on and off for a while. It was nice, to feel like I could be wanted again, by someone who didnt know me. But inside I know he probably wouldnt like me if he actually knew anything about me, and thats fairly depressing (Im not saying that to be down on myself, its just rare that people actually want to take the time to get to know me, because Im sort of a closed book and it takes a while) . Its ok though, because judging by his facebook, he seems kind of like a man whore, with alot of lady friends... Now I could be totally wrong, but Im usually pretty good with first instincts.

I move back to school tomorrow. Im anxious as hell. I dont like this feeling at all. I just want to be there and get settled in and have everything over with. I want to replace all my memories of my last few months at school with brand new ones. Im pretty sure that today was one of the first times in my life where a boy approached me simply because he felt like it. Not because we had previously met. not because we had mutual friends, but because he saw me and he liked me. I wish that would happen at school. I wish I could finally meet someone whos good for me. Dont get me wrong, I love being single, and Im in no way ready for another relationship, its just nice to know someone finds you interesting enough to come up to you and say hi, for no reason at all. Maybe I should start telling the people I think look interesting that they are attractive. I just always feel like if I did that they would think I was weird and creepy. Especially because half the time its girls who I think look incredibly intriguing, and alot of girls arent very laid back and would pounce at any chance to judge someone, even if that someone is giving them a compliment...

oh well I guess. life goes on. I just cant wait till this week is over and Im back at school with the new mixture of my school friends, and my friends from home who have decided to go to Kutztown.

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