My mother held me as I cried. That hasnt happened in years. She told me all along. Turns out mother really does know best. But children have to be left to make their own mistakes. And from these mistakes I will learn and grow and become the strong woman I know I am.
When I woke up today I had a quote in my head. "
God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference." Its fairly well known as the prayer for serenity. You see it everywhere. But the first time I saw it was in my favorite book. Dry by Augusten Burroughs. Its the prayer that is said at the beginning of AA meeting, to help empower the members. I digress. I woke up today thinking of that quote, and I felt warm. I felt light. I talked to God. For the first time in as long as I can recall, I talked to God. Of course God didnt say anything back, but maybe Im finally finding my faith? I read another quote that went something like "God is closest to those with broken hearts." So maybe thats true. Or maybe just for now Im grasping at things to help me get by, either way, its helping and thats all that matters to me. Plus I really like believe theres something bigger than all of us...
Sorry about the long wordiness and no pictureness. This might become the norm for the next couple days. So just bear with me. Im just happy I have an outlet for my thoughts, and a way to help me clear my mind and reassure myself that I am strong. Thats all for now.
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