Thursday, August 11, 2011

Straight Up

You are shit
On the ass of society
Fucked up in the head
Shoulda gotta lobotomy
Makes me sick to think
That you ever thought of me
As a lover?
As another victim for your emotional sodomy?

think your bitch-ass aint gonna get caught one day?
gonna get stitches on that piece of shit you call a face.
cus my niggas be rollin' deep
and my bitches be supportin' me
whatcha gonna do when your stupid ass gets beat?
youre just a stick of meat.
a fuckin sausage.
and Im so happy that youre fuckin gone, bitch.
it aint my loss, kid.
and I hope you get all kinds of STD shit
on your small dick.


My inner black bitch comes out sometimes...
Kanye, eat your heart out.


  1. a blog is very interesting and instructive, congratulations
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  2. thanks jimmy. I was really hoping youd like it.
    and Renus, thank you...I think? lol. Im a bit confused, but the hug does make me feel better. :)
